• ADAM LOVE - pastor

    Adam Love was born and raised in Charlotte, NC where he grew up as a faithful member of Avondale Presbyterian Church. His path to ministry began in his early teens shortly after delivering (reading) his first message for his home congregation on a youth Sunday.


    Despite the early awareness of his call, he would not answer the call until his mid-30s. As he grew into his calling, with his lovely wife Tracy by his side, he discovered that much of the work of the Church is about building relationships, sharing experiences, and helping others learn and grow while also striving to draw closer to God. 


    Over the years, Pastor Adam has worked to encourage his congregations through timely messages, spirited singing, a ministry of presence, and a passion for connecting the church with the community. During the pandemic, Adam and Tracy both learned the importance of connecting with church folks both in-person and through cyberspace.    


    In his spare time, Adam enjoys spending time with Tracy, turning wood, watching the Carolina Panthers - regardless of whether they win or lose, and walking their rescue dog Rodney.


  • AMALIE HINSON - MUSIC director

    Amalie is a native of North Carolina. She grew up singing in church and school choirs. She completed the Bachelor of Music Education at Lenoir-Rhyne University, the Master of Music Education at Appalachian State University, and the PhD in Music Education at UNCG. She has directed sacred music programs and taught choral music, handbells, music theory, and voice performance for 25 years, and currently directs choral activities and teaches general music at Liberty Middle School. Amalie resides in Newton. Her son, Ethan lives in Colorado, and her daughter, Edith, lives in Washington DC.

  • shari - secretary

  • ANNETTE HENSON - church treasurer



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