In-person worship services in the sanctuary each Sunday at 10:30 a.m.
The services are also live streamed at 10:30am EDT
on our YouTube channel, Oak Hill LIVE NC.
Recorded videos may be viewed on this website or on our Oak Hill LIVE page.
Wednesday Night Bible Study: September 11 to Oct. 16
Supper: 5:45-6:45; Study: 7:00-8:00.
Creature, Collards: A Bible Study from the Farm”
Registration is requested to help with meal planning.
Let us know which night you plan to come.
To sign up for a particular night, please contact the church office at 828-433-5308.
October 6 –– Give Cheese A Chance, Noon – 3:00
Historic Courthouse Square.
Come have fabulous grilled cheeses of every kind!
Come compete in the competition!
October 31 –– Halloween Party, 6:00-8:00
Games, treats, hot dogs, cake walk, & more!
November 23 –– Bake Sale and Breakfast, 8:00-12:00
** Children/Youth & Young Adult Sunday School **
Sunday mornings at 9:30 (downstairs)
Parents/Young Adult Class, Nursery, & refreshments provided.
We will
continue live-streaming our in-person worship services to our YouTube page
for those unable to be with us at the church. We are still one in The Spirit.