In-person worship services in the sanctuary each Sunday at 10:30 a.m.

The services are also live streamed at 10:30am EDT

on our YouTube channel, Oak Hill LIVE NC.  

Recorded videos may be viewed on this website or on our Oak Hill LIVE page.

Oak Hill LIVE NC - YouTube




April 13 -- Palm Sunday worship service, 10:30.

April 17 -- Maundy Thursday service at Linville UMC

Meal: 6:00; Service: 7:00.

April 18 -- Good Friday service, 7:00 in the sanctuary.

April 20 -- Easter Sunday

7:00 a.m. - Sunrise service. Breakfast to follow.

10:30 a.m. - Worship service.


** Children/Youth & Young Adult Sunday School **

Sunday mornings at 9:30 (downstairs)

Parents/Young Adult Class, Nursery, & refreshments provided.


  We will continue live-streaming our in-person worship services to our YouTube page

for those unable to be with us at the church.  We are still one in The Spirit.

